• esES
  • enEN
  • nlNL
  • deDE
  • plPL
  • frFR
  • itIT

ONE-DC is also available in English

  • 00
  • esES
  • enEN
  • nlNL
  • deDE
  • plPL
  • frFR
  • itIT

EDC API example

Volver al servicio de atención al cliente

With this example script for automatic ordering, your customers can order from your shop and the order will be transferred immediately to ONE-DC. The automatic example script is a file in XML format with particular formatting (tags). The exact meaning of all the tags is described in the guide.



You can download the example script as a compressed .zip file.
You can find the example script on our Feeds page. To access this, you must log in. You first need to create an account for this.


Más - API Tools:

Volver al servicio de atención al cliente